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In May 2001 an unidentified skull was found in Rodopi Mountain, Bulgaria. It has the size of a baby's head and it weights about 250 grams. A disk-shaped smooth metal object was found nearby the skull too. Some people think that the alloy it was made of cannot be composed on the Earth. Scientists explored the skull and no one was unable to identify it. I have four original opinions of Bulgarian scientists which proof the following: 1. This is skull; 2. The skull is not a paleontology find; 3. The skull is from unidentified animal species. If you want more information or you want to get some or all of the opinions contact me.
At the moment the following EXAMINATIONS were conducted: primary DNA test; X-ray photos; micro photos of a human's skull and this skull to be compared; irradiation by light with wave's length from 400 to 540 nm.
PRIMARY DNA TEST: It showed that the examined material does not match
to any of the known species. But for a full test the skull probably must be
X-RAY PHOTOS: It showed clearer that the cavity probably has contained
MICRO PHOTOS: Showed comparability with human's skull but there are
differences especially on the surface. There are miniature holes like the
pores on the skin (scientists think these wholes has something to do with
protecting the bone from high pressure) and there are trails of crystallization
of the bone. Micro photos have been taken from the surface and from a sliced
piece of the backside of the skull.
IRRADIATION: Did not show difference between this skull and a human's
You can receive photos of the X-ray examination and the micro photo examination for certain payment. E-mail me for more information.
There are possibilities that the skull is alien's or mutant's one. You can send me your theory, opinion, comments or related photos. Generally is this really a skull or another part of the skeleton? Here is what is certain: there isn't and there wasn't any normal animal with such skull or part of the skeleton ever on the Earth. This skull is a unique object to be sure.
We are
looking for SPONSORSHIP for further examinations and for developing
this web site. If you are willing to become our sponsor, please e-mail
::Here you will find more info and theories about the mysterious skull in the form of date sorted entries. If you want you can send me your theory, opinion, comments or related photos and if you want them published in here include the word "PUBLISH" in the subject line.
<29.05.2002> "It is a PELVIS of a TURTLE." Jurgen Baaden. We have the PELVIS of the biggest TURTLE in the world here! Have you ever heard a TURTLE with a PELVIS that weights 250 grams?
<29.03.2002> "It kind of looks like the Predator from the movies." Erik and Laura. Here is another PELVIS theory. Obviously no one believes his own eyes! The interesting here is the comparison with the creature from the Predator movies.
<08.03.2002> "This is a 'faked' composite of a couple of different bones..." Badger (Clinical Pathology Scientist and Bio major). I can assure you that the circumstances under which the skull was found are rejecting this theory.
<07.03.2002> "I believe I have a theory that might be valid. If you look in the BIBLE, in GENESIS..." Jay. Very interesting theory based on the Bible. Thank you Jay!
<04.03.2002> "My guess from quick inspection is a common hoofed animal." Willie & Colleen. I think that this theory is NOT CONVINCING enough. See for yourself.
<02.03.2002> "I saw a ET who had a plate like structure like this as part of his head..." Vinnie Allbrittom.
<02.03.2002> "You are looking at the posterior view of a female PELVIS..." John Mills (Biology Major). I will believe this if anyone send me a picture of a pelvis with such a plate-like structure like the skull's.
<01.03.2002> "I think it is a PELVIS not a skull." James Neff. Here is one of the many theories that the skull is actually a pelvis. But I really think that the plate-like structure is gainsaying these theories.
<24.02.2002> I came around two interesting articles about the skull in UFOINFO.com. Take a look at them.
<03.02.2002> "It can be part of the skeleton of a mastodon or some sort of mystification." Hristo Pophristov - a Bulgarian physician
<19.01.2002> "That you cannot explain things doesn't mean that they do not exist." An African politician
::You are interested in having the skull? Then send me a message and you will get a reply as soon as possible.
::You can receive photos of the X-ray examination and the micro photo examination for certain payment. E-mail me for more information.
::You can also get four original opinions of Bulgarian scientists. E-mail me for more information.
e-mail: wallace_enoch@yahoo.com